Tax Filing

Employment Classification for Tax Reporting – Independent Contractor or Employee


For proper tax withholding, tax reporting, and payroll processing, business owners need to correctly determine whether individuals' providing business services should be classified as employees or independent contractors. Misclassifying workers can lead to a business being liable for employment taxes for that worker and possible tax penalties. Learn characteristics for proper employment classification.

Employment Classification for Tax Reporting – Independent Contractor or Employee2022-06-02T12:58:04-04:00

Tax Filing Penalties and Interest and How to Dispute IRS Penalties


There are several reasons why the IRS assesses tax filing penalties. Note that the IRS is legally bound, under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) § 6601, to charge interest when a tax filer fails to pay the full amount of tax due to the IRS on time. Additionally, the IRS is entitled to charge interest on assessed penalties. Interest and penalties will continue to accrue until the outstanding tax due, interest, and penalties are paid in full. Learn about tax filing requirements and representation in the event that tax penalties and interest are assessed.

Tax Filing Penalties and Interest and How to Dispute IRS Penalties2022-04-29T12:28:18-04:00

Individual Tax Return Filing Considerations for 2021


As we reach the end of the 2021 tax year, now is the time to start sorting your tax documents for an on-time individual income tax return filing. View a listing of items to consider when preparing for the filing of your individual tax return. Each item listed could have a significant impact on the amount you must pay to the IRS or the tax refund you are eligible for.

Individual Tax Return Filing Considerations for 20212022-01-19T14:26:36-05:00

IRS Rules for Claiming a Dependent


There are three types of IRS tax audits - a Correspondence (Mail) Audit, Office Examination Audit, and a Field Audit. The IRS will notify an individual or business by mail or telephone if they are selected for an audit. Note that being selected for an audit doesn't necessarily mean that there is an issue with your tax return submission. Learn more about tax audits and representation to the IRS in the event of being audited.

IRS Rules for Claiming a Dependent2021-09-29T23:04:36-04:00

Choosing the Right Tax Filing Status


Tax filing status has a significant impact on your eligibility for deductions, as well as what you owe for federal and state taxes, so it is imperative that the correct status is selected when filing. Currently, there are five tax filing status options, and in certain situations, you may qualify for multiple statuses. Learn about the different tax filing statuses as well as status requirements and deductions.

Choosing the Right Tax Filing Status2021-08-06T15:28:56-04:00

Understanding Electronic Tax Filing (E-File)


Electronic tax filing (e_Filing) is the process of submitting tax returns to the IRS via the internet. Currently, the IRS offers four e-file options for individual taxpayers. Learn about options for e-filing your tax return.

Understanding Electronic Tax Filing (E-File)2021-05-24T12:15:19-04:00
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